Wolfram Language conference in St. Petersburg

Two weeks ago (June 1st and 2nd) I participated in the Wolfram Language conference in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Here are the corresponding announcements:

The conference was co-organized by Kirill Belov and Petr Genadievich Tenishev.

Link to the GitHub repository with my conference presentation materials.

Here is a mind-map of the potential presentations Kirill and I discussed:

System dynamics presentation

I presented “Динамические системы : Расширение и улучшение эпидемиологических моделей”
(in English: “Dynamics systems: extending and improving epidemiological models”.)

The main presentation slides had a dozen supplements:

Making two presentations

Interestingly, I first prepared a Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) talk, but then found out that the organizers listed another talk I discussed with them, on extending dynamic systems models. (The latter one is the first we discussed, so, it was my “fault” that I wanted to talk about LSA.)

Here are the presentation notebooks for LSA in English and Russian .

Some afterthoughts

  • Тhe conference was very “strong”, my presentation was the “weakest.”
    • With “strong” I refer to the content and style of the presentations.
  • This was also the first scientific presentation I gave in Russian. I also got a participation diploma .

to demonstrate generation of epidemiological modeling code.

  • Preparing for the conference reminded me of some the COVID-19 modeling hackathons I participated in.
  • I prepared the initial models of artillery shells manufacturing, but much more work has to be done in order to have a meaningful article or presentation. (Hopefully, I am finishing that soon.)


Articles, posts, presentations

[AA1] Антон Антонов,
“Динамические системы : Расширение и улучшение эпидемиологических моделей” .

[AA2] Антон Антонов,
“COVID-19 modeling over Botswana” ,

[AA3] Anton Antonov,
“WirVsVirus 2020 hackathon participation” ,
MathematicaForPrediction at WordPress .